The Good Neighbour project will provide additional opportunities to clients aged 18-plus who have a learning disability, supporting them to identify, understand and contribute to being a good neighbour within their local community.
The project will support 10 clients in year one and a further 10 clients in year two in a 15-hour weekly programme involving group work (both classroom setting and outreach within local community venues) underpinned by one-to-one support.

To provide opportunities for clients to acquire and develop new skills.

They will be supported to play an active role as good neighbours within their communities, which will lead to increased community engagement, increased socialisation and independence, a reduction in isolation, improved confidence and improved wellbeing.
To provide a progression route for customers to prevent them from becoming reliant/retained within the day service system.

The Good Neighbour project will develop customer’s confidence, self-esteem and independent skills which will reduce their need for a higher level of support.
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Registered charity number 211234