David is a customer in our Opportunities Without Limits South Cambridgeshire Service. He lives in South Cambridgeshire, on his own and is a key figure in his community, going frequently into the local co-op and into the local charity shops to say hello to the staff and other residents of the village.

In the pandemic, this routine stopped immediately for David, who had no choice but to spend all day in his one bedroom flat due to the national lockdown. Our staff team began doing community door step visits to customers who required them. These ranged from knocking on our customers doors to say hello, helping with shopping where necessary and doing activities in the gardens of our customers, such as crafts, outdoor light games and even ‘Doorstep Dancing!’ Our staff team began to go and see David three times a week for a half an hour door step visit. We’d listen to what David had been watching on television and would help him with shopping at times as he wasn’t able to go to the shop as regularly.

David was thrilled by the visits from our staff. They were one of few people he saw within the initial COVID lockdowns and he explained to us on one visit how it really gave him something to look forward to in the week.