We will investigate allegations of nuisance. But if you feel your neighbours are too noisy, in the first instance you should politely ask them to reduce the noise level. They may not be aware that their noise is causing annoyance to you. You should try to sort out the problem between yourselves before you involve us. 

You can contact your council’s Environmental Health department to seek advice on noise or other nuisance. In some circumstances it may be appropriate to call the police, for example a noisy party late at night. 

You should contact us if you are experiencing persistent nuisance. We will ask you to keep a record of all the dates and times you are disturbed. We will take further action if we are satisfied that a breach of tenancy exists and that we have sufficient evidence to support this. We may need to ask you to give evidence in court.

More details on how we deal with nuisance and anti-social behaviour can be found in our Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour Policy. Copies are available through your housing officer.

Racial and other harassment 

Papworth Trust will not tolerate any form of harassment or violence. We take allegations of harassment or violence very seriously and we will take prompt action. We may seek to evict you if you commit an act of harassment or violence. 

If you or your family are victims of harassment or abuse you should contact us immediately. If the harassment or abuse involves violence or threats of violence, damage to property, or any other criminal act, you should contact the police. 

This includes any form of harassment on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation or disability which may interfere with the peace and comfort of, or cause offence to, any other tenant, member of his/her household, visitors or neighbours, staff, contractors or agents while they are carrying out their work. 

More details on how we deal with racial and other harassment can be found in our Racial and Other Harassment Policy. Copies are available through your housing officer.

Domestic violence 

Everyone has the right to be safe from abuse and fear. Domestic violence is a crime and will not be accepted. Domestic violence is defined as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (mental, physical or sexual) against any person over 16 living at the same property. If you are the victim of violence or feel threatened by violence, please contact the Police immediately. If you cannot go home, you will need to find housing while a solution is found. You could try: 
  • Friends and relatives 
  • The local authority housing department 
  • Women’s Aid Refuges - national helpline: freephone 0808 2000 247
Outside of office hours, phone your local police who will be able to contact the emergency duty team of Social Services.