Siobhan’s story


How did they feel about their situation prior to the programme? 

I left school early as Covid-19 really affected my mental health and made me very anxious. I even was scared to get on a bus by myself. 

What were their feelings about work before the programme? 

I was nervous as I am very shy.  

What barriers have they faced to work? 

Anxiety for the unknown.  

Have they tried any other employment programmes? 


How did they find out about the BBO programme? What made them give it a try? 

I did a course at the Advice Store and they told me about BBO. 

Did they find the programme helpful? 


How would they describe the difference the programme has made? 

It gave me confidence, I was even so looking forward to see Jenny that for the first time I took a bus. 

What new skills have they developed – both personally and to help their employment? 

I have learnt not to be so afraid and to look forward to continue with my education. 

What are their circumstances now? Are they in work, self-employed, or looking for work? 

I have just enrolled in an apprenticeship. 

How do they feel about their life now? 

I feel optimistic and look forward to start. 


An opinion from the delivery officer about their time on the project and the difference it has made to them:
"It has been wonderful working alongside Siobhan, she has overcome a lot of her barriers and is very confident about her future."
A direct quote from them about the project and the difference it has made to them:  
"It has given me confidence and I have gotten out of my shell." 
The participant has wished to remain anonymous and their name has been changed. 


Community Connections Essex is a Building Better Opportunities project funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund