drama workshops


Experienced performance practitioner Justine de Mierre (www.sowhatsthestory.co.uk) will work with customers attending our Opportunities Without Limits service at Abington, with the support of staff, at 12 weekly sessions to devise, create and rehearse a show. The show will celebrate their talents, passions and interests and be shared in a public performance at the end of the process. The 13th week will be a celebration and evaluation party to acknowledge achievements and share feedback.


  • To increase participants’ confidence in their own thoughts and opinions, through experiencing their own interests being celebrated and used as the building blocks to create a show
  • To enable participants to gain skills in devising, performance and all the elements that are necessary to make a show – and the boost in self-esteem that skills building will bring
  • For participants and staff to experience increased group cohesion by working jointly on a creative project
  • For staff to gain a deeper understanding and experience of participant’s skills and interests that can then be applied to other activities 
  • To enhance connections with the wider community and other groups by having a performance that the public can be invited to
  • Increasing public awareness through the performance of the work done at Abington and the skills and talents of the group
  • For all those involved to have fun discovering, creating and celebrating the passions and talents of the participants and increase happiness for participants, staff and audience.

Justine has extensive experience of devising performances with a wide range of people and will use that experience to tailor sessions to the needs and interests of the individuals involved. Sessions will involve Justine working with customers to build confidence, gain skills and support the creation of a piece that shares with the audience whatever the participants most want to – and, of course, in a highly entertaining way! Up to 20 participants will be able to take part directly in the workshops leading to performance, and it is intended that opportunities for others to be involved will be created as part of that devising process e.g. creation of artwork for the performance, joining in with communal songs etc.