About the Project
Opportunities Without Limits (OWL) day services across Suffolk and Cambridgeshire provides nearly 200 local adults who have mild to complex learning disabilities with person-centred tailored support. The services provides a variety of activities that focus on ensuring customers have a great experience, feeling fully supported to pursue their personal goals alongside making a positive contribution to their community. The activities
work towards a number of difference outcomes which include: social inclusion, practical and employability skills, recreation, independent living skills, communication, confidence, health and well-being.
Nature Watch has been created to provide customers at the Suffolk and Cambridgeshire OWL services with a specialist environmental and wildlife activity.
Nature Watch is a 12 week programme that supports up to 16 customers at any one time. A specialist tutor will support customers to learn about nature, identify and make better decisions regarding their environment and provide the opportunity to spend time outdoors. The project includes three areas which encompass a number of activities to encourage the best engagement from participants. Customers will learn about:
Nature on your doorstep – learning about garden birds, mammals, reptiles/amphibians and insects/bugs. Activities include bird bingo, making bird feeders, identifying and carving mammal footprints, identifying mammals homes and making bug hotels
Plastics, litter, waste and recycling – learning what is litter and plastics, why is rubbish dangerous, it’s effect on our environment and wildlife, what can we do to help. Activities include litter picking, writing poems and creating art made from rubbish
Exhibition and performance – participants will decide the message they want to portray and how they do this, e.g. play, video, song, exhibitions etc.
The Difference
Nature Watch will make a difference to the Suffolk and Cambridgeshire OWL customers who will access it. We will see:
- Increased knowledge of environmental issues
- An improved understanding of the lifestyle changes made to help the
- Increased enjoyment of being outdoors