What has inspired you to run the London Marathon in aid of Papworth Trust?

Having done a half-marathon last year in aid of Papworth Trust, the chance to take it one stage further and do a full one was a daunting but exciting challenge. Seeing the work that the fundraising efforts contribute and making a difference to young peoples lives makes the training and running all worthwhile. The money I’m raising through donations to help more projects keeps me going through the long runs.

Have you completed a Marathon before?

This will be my first one! Longest run ever before was a half marathon and I had only done one of those before.

How is your training going so far, what time do you hope to achieve on the day?

Better than I expected and I have enjoyed it, which has included runs in Norwich, Cambridge and London and soon to be Marseille this weekend.. However, the miles have crept up and I have slight injury in my leg at the moment, so having the week off from running. Looking forward to getting back on it next week. Aim is just to finish, but anything sub 4 hours would be a huge personal achievement for me.

How can people sponsor you?

People can sponsor me on this link directly on the fundraising page - https://2023tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/james-brown-9f007