Linda joined Papworth Trust’s tenant scrutiny panel in 2019 and is now the Chair. She is passionate about providing a voice for our tenants and influencing how the Trust delivers its housing service. In her role, she supports disabled tenants with a range of needs and her inclusive approach ensures everyone is able to have their say and make a difference.     
Over the last year, Linda has supported panel members to upskill; reviewing a number of housing policies, recommending changes for fixtures and fittings in new housing developments and conducting a scrutiny review. Due to the success of this work, the panel proposed 14 recommendations to improve our repairs service and supported the Trust to devise an action plan. Linda is also the panel’s connection with the Trust’s Board of Trustees, providing them with regular updates on the valuable work of the panel as well as a temperature check on wider tenant satisfaction.   
Linda is a role model to her fellow panel members and tenants, proving that you can make a real difference by being involved. She is easy to talk to, chairs meetings with ease ensuring that all panel members contribute and is our critical friend. 

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