At Papworth Trust, we have fantastic and very generous corporate supporters including: Deloitte, HSBC, Firebrand Training and Tees Law. We have gardening projects being planned for our Opportunities Without Limit sites in Ipswich, Basildon and Cambridgeshire in Spring/Summer 2023.

As many as 30 volunteers will be attending at each event, and we don’t have enough gardening tools. We specifically need large forks, spades and rakes, plus small hand trowels, egg boxes, brooms, forks and secateurs.

We completed a smaller project last year at Abington. Paul Sands (Volunteer Manager) said "It was a great day and all the volunteers got so much enjoyment from meeting our customers – and the lovely lunch they prepared". 

With this extra equipment our corporate volunteers and customers will be able to maintain and improve the garden areas of each site, making them far more attractive, usable and help our customers grow their own vegetables.

If you have any unwanted gardening tools in good conditions or are interested in volunteering at Papworth Trust, please let Paul know. They will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.
