Papworth Trust welcomes a new report by the National Housing Federation calling on the need for a long-term plan for housing.

The report discusses the impact of poor housing on a person’s health and wellbeing. For particularly vulnerable to poor housing that can cause or worsen health conditions, reduce a person’s quality of life, and can even result in premature death. 

It also highlights the desperate shortage of properly adapted homes for disabled people to live in and visit, with one million homes lived in by someone who requires an adaptation but is going without. 

Our Chief Executive Sarah Miller, who sat on the report steering group, said:

“The statistics are stark. Currently, there are 1.8 million disabled people who have an accessible housing need – 580,000 of whom are of working age. Disabled people living in inaccessible homes are four times more likely to be unemployed.  

Disabled people deserve better housing options and the accessibility of new homes must be a priority – not only for the benefit of individuals and families but as a common-sense way of future-proofing our economic and housing investment.”

To read the full report please follow the below link:

National Housing Federation - Why we need a long-term plan for housing